My Projectd

These are some of my finished projects:

A landing page for a Web design and SEO studio. This website is simple responsive and was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

This was the layout that was made for a responsive website for a real estate company with HTML5 and CSS3.

A responsive coffee subscription website made from scratch with HTML5 and CSS3

Parallax effect: in this small page I show how I create animations and parallax effects. The page is responsive adapted to different devices.

This responsive website using Html5, Css3 and JavaScript and in the layout I used Flexbox. It is a simple and attractive design idea for an italian restaurant website.

E-commerce "Baggu": Created Baggu e-commerce from the ground up, code and everything. Wireframes, server running with Node.js, Scrum framework as a way of organizing the team, created and implemented Database using MYSQL, Dashboard for the admin showing all kind of stats with React.

Link to the repository

Discount Manager (ABM) of a vehicle rental platform. This ABM allows you to manage the discounts granted by the system each time a vehicle is rented. It was created with PHP and Laravel

Link to the repository